Search Query: open borders

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Open Borders and the Pursuit of Happiness

In a few days, Americans will be celebrating the Declaration of Independence. Amidst the hot dogs and the fireworks, it’s worth pondering the principles that Jefferson enunciated in that document. The Declaration states that people have been endowed with natural, God-given rights and that among these rights are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  Let’s focus on that last one. Is the pursuit of happiness a natural, God-given right or not? I say it is. I think Jefferson was right: The pursuit of happiness is certainly not a privilege bestowed on us by government. It’s a right that preexists the existence of government.  So, what is government for? The Declaration provides the answer: to protect the exercise of natural-God given rights, such as the pursuit of happiness.  Is it possible for government to become a destroyer, rather than a protector, of people’s rights? Of course it ...