Search Query: open borders

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You searched for "open borders" and here's what we found ...

Social Conflict, Self-Determination, and the Boundaries of the State

For the advocate of classical or market liberalism, the depoliticization of economic life is considered the primary avenue for the diminishment of social and cultural tensions in society. The removal of the state from all involvement in market activities, other than as protector of life and property and legal arbiter of interpersonal disputes, means that political power may not be used to benefit any in the society at the expense of others. In the free-market society, all human relationships are based on voluntary agreement and mutual benefit. Individuals can be neither compelled to nor prohibited from trading with any others in the society. Every citizen in the classical-liberal society may freely compete in any line of endeavor in which he chooses to try his hand; his success or failure will depend upon whether those to whom he offers his ...

Social Conflict, Self-Determination, and the Boundaries of the State

For the advocate of classical or market liberalism, the depoliticization of economic life is considered the primary avenue for the diminishment of social and cultural tensions in society. The removal of the state from all involvement in market activities, other than as protector of life and property and legal arbiter of interpersonal disputes, means that political power may not be used to benefit any in the society at the expense of others. In the free-market society, all human relationships are based on voluntary agreement and mutual benefit. Individuals can be neither compelled to nor prohibited from trading with any others in the society. Every citizen in the classical-liberal society may freely compete in any line of endeavor in which he chooses to try his hand; his success or failure will depend upon whether those to whom he offers his ...

“Immigration Dictatorship”? Logical Flaws and Etymological Faux Pas

In “Socialism and Immigration,” I compared the anti-immigrant forces of today with the anti-free-trade forces of 19th-century France, as related by the great libertarian Frédéric Bastiat in his essay, “Metaphors.” Their motive is to get people to associate certain scary terms with a target group and let the tide of public opinion do the rest, however ill-informed that tide may be. At the forefront of anti-immigration sentiment in America is conservative columnist Paul Craig Roberts, whose misuse of language to further his agenda is as marked as any protectionist rhetoric from the 1800s. His latest attempt to turn the freedom of movement into a scare tactic for the political right was a column entitled An Immigration Dictatorship? which appeared in the February 24 issue of the Washington Times. “Are democracies democratic?” he asks in the ...

Hornberger’s Blog, October 2007

Wednesday, October 31, 2007 Federal Blackmail, Privacy, and Conformity by Jacob G. Hornberger In today’s FFF Email Update, I have an article about the federal war on telephone privacy, the government program in which certain telephone companies allegedly turned over people’s private telephone records to the feds. A common bromide among some Americans is: “I don’t care what information about my telephone ...

You’re Not Allowed to Say That NATO Caused the War, Unless You Are NATO’s Secretary General

There are two competing narratives about the origins of the Ukraine War. According to one narrative, Vladimir Putin is a Hitler-like aggressor. He wants to reestablish the Soviet empire by swallowing Ukraine and threatening the Baltic countries, Poland, and the nations further west. This narrative was created by Washington and Brussels. It has been repeated by European leaders and echoed ...

The Clownish Thuggery of DeSantis and Abbott

You can tell how Republicans view illegal immigrants by the clownish thuggery in which two of their most revered governors are currently engaged. After arresting (kidnapping might be a better term) immigrants for violating sacred federal laws against illegal entry, DeSantis and Abbott then have them involuntarily transported to Washington, D.C., or Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, where the transporters ...