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Why the Unwavering Devotion to Immigration Socialism?

In my blog post yesterday, I pointed out some of the questions that have long befuddled me in my life as a libertarian: Why is it that so many Americans continue to support America’s immigration-control system in the face of at least 80 years of manifest failure? Is there anything that could ever convince Americans that their immigration-control system will never work? If they were to be convinced that this system would never — and could never — work, would they abandon it in favor of open borders, the only immigration system that does work? Or would they continue to support it notwithstanding its continued and perpetual failure to achieve its goal? In a larger sense, I think the answers to those questions might lie in the longtime commitment of 20th-century and 21st-century Americans to socialism. You see this unwavering commitment to socialism in such socialist programs as Social Security and Medicare. Despite the fact that these ...


Tuesday, May 31, 2005 U.S. officials might be prematurely celebrating the death of Musab al Zarqawi, given a tape on which Zarqawi describes his wounds as minor. The Zarqawi saga evidences the ease by which federal officials can mold the minds of people to adopt new official enemies whose death would supposedly bring “victory” in Iraq and in the “war on terrorism.” Think about how the feds have gone from one enemy to another: Osama, Saddam, Saddam’s sons, Sadr, Zarqawi — and how Americans have permitted their minds to go from one enemy to another in the hopes of final “victory” — much like those fake rabbits that keep the dogs running around the race track. Guess what: Even if Zarqawi were captured or killed, as Saddam and his sons were, victory would not be “right around the corner,” any more than capturing or killing ...

Hornberger’s Blog: April 2005

Tuesday, May 31, 2005 U.S. officials might be prematurely celebrating the death of Musab al Zarqawi, given a tape on which Zarqawi describes his wounds as minor. The Zarqawi saga evidences the ease by which federal officials can mold the minds of people to adopt new official enemies whose death would supposedly bring “victory” in Iraq and in the “war on terrorism.” Think about how the feds have gone from one enemy to another: Osama, Saddam, Saddam’s sons, Sadr, Zarqawi — and how Americans have permitted their minds to go from one enemy to another in the hopes of final “victory” — much like those fake rabbits that keep the dogs running around the race track. Guess what: Even if Zarqawi were captured or killed, as Saddam and his sons were, victory would not be “right around the corner,” any more than capturing or killing ...

Hornberger’s Blog, June 2008

Monday, June 30, 2008 Isolationist Options for the United States by Jacob G. Hornberger Whenever a libertarian calls for the dismantling of the U.S. government’s overseas military empire and the end of foreign interventionism, the standard response of the pro-empire, pro-intervention crowd is, “We cannot return to isolationism. That would be a disaster.” The sentence is intended to immediately shut down all ...