Search Query: open borders

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You searched for "open borders" and here's what we found ...

Liberals Hate the Poor

Liberals love to portray themselves as lovers of the poor. Their “proof,” they say, is their ardent support of the welfare state. In fact, liberals oftentimes go on the attack against us libertarians for our call to dismantle welfare-state programs and the 60-year-old failed “war on poverty.” Actually, however, the love that liberals profess to have for the poor is a crock, and their love of the welfare state is actually a love of the power, influence, and money that comes with the welfare state. Liberals know that the more people they get on welfare, the more people will be dependent on the government. Those dole recipients can then be threatened with, “Elect us liberals to power because conservative Republicans will cut off your dole, and you will die. Vote for us. Give us the political power so that we can continue your dole.” As everyone knows, with the welfare state comes trillions of dollars to hand out to grateful people. With ...

Hornberger’s Blog, September 2011

Tuesday, September 27, 2011 A Nonsense Debate at the New York Times The New York Times is hosting a online debate entitled “Should the School Day Be Longer?” Wow, how exciting is that? Not! Well, at least not for libertarians. It’s the same old statist nonsense over how to fix and reform a socialist program, one that has been a mess for decades. That’s the trouble with people of the statist mindset — their minds are trapped within the statist box and are unable to break free of it. Ironically, it’s the government school system that inculcated that mindset in the first place — the same system that its graduates spend their lives trying to fix and reform. Public schooling is just another form of central planning, one of the variations of socialism. The state plans, in a top-down, command-and-control manner, the educational decisions of hundreds, thousands, or millions of children. Public schoolteachers are government employees. They use government-approved textbooks and teach from a government-approved ...

Trump, FDR, and the Plight of Refugees under Immigration Controls

Republican President Trump’s use of tear gas to prevent foreign citizens from entering the United States to claim refugee status under U.S. law brings to mind that Democrat President Franklin Roosevelt did the same thing in the 1930s. Roosevelt, of course, is widely known among both Republicans and Democrats as a great humanitarian and a lover of the poor, needy, and disadvantaged. Unfortunately, those traits did not manifest themselves in FDR’s decision to use America’s system of immigration controls to prevent German Jews from entering the United States during the Adolf Hitler regime. Let’s first place things in a historical context. The United States was founded as a limited-government republic, which is a governmental structure that is completely opposite to a national-security state governmental structure, which Americans live under today. Under the republic type of governmental system, there was no Pentagon, military-industrial complex, CIA, or NSA. That was how our American ancestors wanted it. If they had been told that the Constitution was ...