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For reasons not exactly clear, the immigration issue gives some libertarians trouble. In their efforts to grapple with the issue, it’s made needlessly complicated and some highly odd “solutions” are promulgated. We’ll look at one such solution in this article. Preliminarily, we would expect that when a libertarian examines any public-policy issue his concern is to roll back and contain government power so that the way is cleared for the exercise of individual rights in a free-market and property regime. This ought to be true especially in the case of an anarcho-libertarian, for while the limited-government libertarian would stop his roll-back of government power at the traditional police, military, and court functions, the anarcho-libertarian would keep going until government power disappears altogether. The anti-immigration argument we are about to examine comes from an anarcho-libertarian, ...

Hornberger’s Blog, May 2009

Friday, May 29, 2009 The Sotomayor Nomination Is another Yawner for Libertarians by Jacob G. Hornberger As a libertarian, it’s hard for me to get all worked up over President Barack Obama’s nomination of Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court, as conservatives and liberals are now doing. The only time I’d ever get excited about a Supreme Court nomination is if someone with a libertarian philosophy were nominated, such as Randy Barnett, Richard Epstein, or Andrew Napolitano. Heck, I’d also be excited over the nomination of what I would call principled liberals, such as Glenn Greenwald, Jonathan Turley, Joanne Mariner, and Joseph Margulies. Conservative Bruce Fein would be another great selection. But a standard mainstream statist lawyer like Sotomayor? Yawn. Big deal. Given a choice between a conservative and a liberal justice, my inclination has always been to favor the ...

Private: Commentaries – 1998

January 1998 Any Surplus Belongs to the Taxpayers by Sheldon Richman Let the Presidency Be Diminished by Sheldon Richman No Federal Role in Daycare by Sheldon Richman Social Security Has to Go by Sheldon Richman The Folly of Castro by Sheldon Richman February 1998 Drawing the Line by Sheldon Richman Our Ultimate Resource Gone by Sheldon Richman Such a Deal! by Sheldon Richman The Bipartisan Drug Warp by Sheldon Richman March 1998 What They Don't Know by Sheldon Richman April 1998 Bank Mergers and Progress by Sheldon Richman Forget the Trade Deficit! by Sheldon Richman May 1998 Immigration Controls Cause Exploitation by Sheldon Richman One Entrepreneur Is Worth a Million Consumer Advocates by Sheldon Richman Punishing Success by ...