Search Query: open borders

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You searched for "open borders" and here's what we found ...

Immigration Controls Are Bad for the Economy And for Freedom

At the risk of uttering a terrible clich, America is a land of immigrants. The 13 British colonies that flourished on the Atlantic coast could not have existed were it not for brave men and women willing to start life anew in a strange land. These people came for many reasons; some wished to escape religious and political persecution; some to build a fortune. Whatever their motivation, America quickly became a land that welcomed all who wished to settle and prosper here. Throughout our history, most people have recognized the benefits brought to our shores by immigration. It goes without saying that from the Industrial Revolution to the transatlantic railroad to Silicon Valley, Americans would not enjoy the wealth they have today without the contributions of the immigrant. That understanding of the role of immigration (and the corresponding free trade that accompanies any open-border policy) in the building of the United States was wonderfully captured in the March issue of Readers ...

Immigration Controls Are Bad for the Economy — And for Freedom

At the risk of uttering a terrible cliché, America is a land of immigrants. The 13 British colonies that flourished on the Atlantic coast could not have existed were it not for brave men and women willing to start life anew in a strange land. These people came for many reasons; some wished to escape religious and political persecution; some to build a fortune. Whatever their motivation, America quickly became a land that welcomed all who wished to settle and prosper here. Throughout our history, most people have recognized the benefits brought to our shores by immigration. It goes without saying that from the Industrial Revolution to the transatlantic railroad to Silicon Valley, Americans would not enjoy the wealth they have today without the contributions of the immigrant. That understanding of the role of immigration (and the corresponding free trade that accompanies any open-border ...

Hornberger’s Blog, March 2009

Tuesday, March 31, 2009 Neo-Cons and Moral Degeneracy by Jacob G. Hornberger The presidential advisor for press affairs to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has an interesting op-ed in the Los Angeles Times today. Pointing out that Barack Obama’s offer to talk to the Iranian regime is nice, Ali Akbar Javanfekr pointed out that words alone are insufficient, especially if the U.S. government persists in conducting an aggressive and interventionist foreign policy. Javanfekr specifically pointed to (1) the U.S. government’s surreptitious 1953 coup in which it ousted the democratically elected prime minister of Iran, Mohammed Mossadegh, from office and installed a cruel and brutal Iranian U.S. puppet in his stead, who proceeded to terrorize and torture the Iranian people for the next 25 years, with the support of the U.S. government; and (2) the U.S. government supported Saddam Hussein in his war of ...

Conservatives Are Disasters on Civil Liberties

The noted conservative Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson, who, according to Wikipedia, “was reportedly floated as a potential candidate for the Libertarian nomination in the 2008 presidential election,” provides an excellent example of how conservatives simply cannot be trusted when it comes to civil liberties and, equally important, how different conservatives are from libertarians. Take a look at ...