Search Query: open borders

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You searched for "open borders" and here's what we found ...

Orlando, Gun Control, and Thanking the Troops

There are two aspects of the Orlando massacre that are predictable. One, the massacre has generated the customary calls for gun control. That always happens after every terrorist attack. Note something important about the Orlando attack: It took place in a gun-free zone. Under Florida law, it is illegal to possess guns in places that sell alcohol. The nightclub where the attack took place sells alcohol. Why is this important? Because it shows that the attacker didn’t care that it was illegal for him to carry a gun into the nightclub. That is, he clearly did not say to himself, “Golly, I really would like to kill those people but since the law prohibits me from carrying a gun in there, I’m not going to be able to kill them.” As I have been pointing out for umpteen years, if a person doesn’t give a hoot about violating a law against murder, he’s not going to give a hoot about violating a gun-control ...

Why I Favor Limited Government, Part 3

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 There are two important points that one should recognize about the anarchy paradigm. First, under anarchy, there would no longer be a United States of America, and no longer would there be any U.S. citizens. There also would no longer be any states. All of those governmental structures, along with their long-established judicial systems, which are based on centuries of legal development and evolution, would suddenly be gone, automatically dismantled upon adoption of the anarchy paradigm. There would also be, needless to say, no more state courts and no more federal courts, including the federal courts of appeals and the U.S. Supreme Court. They would all become nothing more than historical curiosities. What would be left under anarchy would be an enormous geographic territory that previously constituted the United States of America. Let’s call it the North American ...

Should Libertarians Support a Police State?

According to an article at, when 23-year-old American filmmaker Akram Shibly and his girlfriend Kelly McCormick recently returned from a trip to Toronto, U.S. border officials took possession of their cell phones and demanded that they disclose their passwords so that the officials could peruse, study, search through, or copy the contents of the phones.  They complied. A few days later, they were returning from another trip to Canada, where they were, once again, ordered to hand over their cell phones and disclose their passwords. This time, Shibly objected, saying “No, because I already went through this.” According to the article, “Within seconds, he was surrounded: one man held his legs, another squeezed his throat from behind. A third reached into his pocket, pulling out his phone. McCormick watched her boyfriend’s face turn red as the officer’s chokehold tightened.” When McCormick was asked to comply after seeing what they did to her boyfriend, not surprisingly she quickly did what those ...

Conservatives’ Partial Devotion to the Declaration of Independence

Larry Arnn, the conservative president of Hillsdale College, arguably the most conservative college in the country, had an op-ed in yesterday’s Wall Street Journal in which he partially praised the Declaration of Independence. Complimenting J.D. Vance’s speech accepting the Republican vice-presidential nomination, Arnn reflected on certain passages of the Declaration of Independence, such as how it ...

Our Ancestors Were Different, Especially on Immigration

Whatever else might be said about our American ancestors, one thing is beyond dispute: Their position on immigration was diametrically opposite from that of Americans living today. Just think: Open immigration, a concept that, with the exception of libertarians, no American alive today would even come close to endorsing. Except for a cursory health inspection at Ellis Island to ensure ...