Search Query: open borders

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You searched for "open borders" and here's what we found ...

Open Borders: A Gift from the Founders

Americans are a fortunate people. More than 200 years ago, our Founding Fathers had the wisdom and foresight to protect us from the government officials of today. The Framers of the Constitution ensured that the respective states of the Union would be forever prohibited from implementing trade restrictions and immigration controls against one another. The result has been the largest free-trade and free-movement zone in history. We take it for granted, but it is impossible to overstate the benefits of open borders within the United States. It is a marvelous thing that we Americans can travel into any state we wish without encountering a state immigration or customs official at the border. When we travel on the highways, oftentimes the only indication that we have crossed a state border is a highway sign welcoming us to the state. And ...

Conservative, Liberal, and Libertarian Calls for Open Borders

’m on my way to Chicago to debate Peter Brimelow at the Heartland Institute’s annual dinner. Heartland is one of the nation’s finest free-market think tanks that address state public-policy issues. Peter is the author of Alien Nation. The theme of the debate is “Immigration Policy for a Free Society.” Or “Open Borders vs. Controlled Borders.” Longtime supporters of FFF know that ever since our inception, we have called for open borders. One of our books is entitled The Case for Free Trade and Open Immigration. Among the things I will be discussing at the debate is two new books that call for open borders, one written by a conservative and the other written by a liberal. One book is entitled Let Them In: The Case for Open Borders by Jason Riley, a member of the Wall Street Journal’s editorial board. The other is Immigrants: Your Country ...

Conservative, Liberal, and Libertarian Calls for Open Borders

’m on my way to Chicago to debate Peter Brimelow at the Heartland Institute’s annual dinner. Heartland is one of the nation’s finest free-market think tanks that address state public-policy issues. Peter is the author of Alien Nation. The theme of the debate is “Immigration Policy for a Free Society.” Or “Open Borders vs. Controlled Borders.” Longtime supporters of FFF know that ever since our inception, we have called for open borders. One of our books is entitled The Case for Free Trade and Open Immigration. Among the things I will be discussing at the debate is two new books that call for open borders, one written by a conservative and the other written by a liberal. One book is entitled Let Them In: The Case for Open Borders by Jason Riley, a member of the Wall ...