Search Query: open borders

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You searched for "open borders" and here's what we found ...

Another Statist Immigration “Solution”

In a New York Times op-ed today, Mexican businessman Ricardo B. Salinas is endorsing what he calls a "humane" alternative to President Trump’s cruel and brutal enforcement of America’s system of immigration controls: a “Marshall Plan” for Latin America! He says that it is the “right way” to solve America’s decades-long, ongoing, never-ending immigration crisis. According to Salinas, if the U.S. government will just use the IRS to plunder and loot the American people even more than it already is doing so, the U.S. government will be able to send hundreds of millions of dollars to Latin American regimes, which will use the money to bring economic vitality to their countries, which will cause Latin Americans to stay home instead of coming to the United States for jobs. Voila! Immigration crisis over!  No more death, suffering, and immigration police state along the border. Just like that! Why, that’s just ingenious!

Should Libertarians Support Trump’s Immigration Raids?

Libertarian supporters of immigration controls are remaining conspicuously silent about President Trump’s latest immigration raids. What’s up with that? Wouldn’t you think that people who support America’s system of immigration controls would be praising such raids? Actually, it’s a good thing such libertarians are remaining silent, just as they remain silent about the other enforcement measures that come with a system of immigration controls. Immigration-enforcement measures, including Trump's violent immigration raids on privately owned businesses, constitute a grave violation of libertarian principles. In fact, Trump’s immigration raids provide a good example of why libertarians should never abandon their principled commitment to open borders. Notice, first of all, that the raids were conducted entirely against private businesses. Why is that important? Because conservatives, who (along with leftists) have long supported America’s system of immigration controls, say that foreigners are coming to America not to work and make money but rather to get on welfare.

Socialism in America

Lost in the ongoing debate in America as to whether the United States should embrace socialism is a discomforting fact: America embraced socialism a long time ago. The problem is that many Americans have simply not wanted to accept that fact and instead have preferred living a life of denial. A complete socialist system would be one in which the state owns everything in society, including businesses and real estate. In a pure socialist society, the government is the sole employer, and everyone is a government employee. No private grocery stores, computer companies, restaurants, movie theaters, or anything else. The government owns and operates everything, and everyone works for the government. Moreover, in a pure socialist society, all the homes are owned by the state. There are no private houses or apartments for sale or rent because nothing is privately owned. Everyone lives in public housing because the state owns all the dwellings. How do people determine where they are to ...

America’s Forever Wars Are Not the Problem

Ever since it became clear that the U.S. invasions and occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq were turning into disasters, a common refrain has been to end America’s “forever wars.” Politicians of all political stripes, commentators in the mainstream press, and various conservative and libertarian think tanks and educational foundations have embraced the refrain, thinking that if only America can ...