Search Query: open borders

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You searched for "open borders" and here's what we found ...

The Cowardice of the Conservative

Conservatives are an interesting bunch. In a desperate attempt to differentiate themselves from liberals, they like to mock folks on the Left while talking as if they themselves were in agreement with libertarians. I just vote Republican because theyre the lesser of two evils is a common excuse for their continued support of that party and its philosophy (for lack of a better word). But when you scratch below the surface of the typical conservative you find someone whose principles are about as far from libertarian as the leftist principles he condemns. As a friend of mine once said, Conservatives like to talk about limited government they just never say what they want it limited to. In short, conservatives are typically cowards who dont have the courage of their alleged convictions. For example, take the issue of immigration, a hot topic this ...

Imagining Freedom for the 21st Century: A Presidential Candidate’s Press Conference, Part 5

Insight Magazine: During the last eight years, the American people have witnessed some of the worst political scandals and episodes of presidential misconduct and immorality in our nation’s history. What will be the moral character and tone of your administration, if you are elected president of the United States? The Candidate: The source of practically all of the political scandals, in both the present administration and those in past presidencies, has been the degree to which the federal government regulates and intervenes in the economy and redistributes wealth through the welfare state. When privileges and favors are obtainable by some at the expense of others in society through the political process, it is inevitable that those who desire the favors and privileges will lobby and bribe those from whom they can be acquired. For as long ...

Socialism and Empire, Not Immigration, Are Destroying America

A friend recently sent me an article written a couple of years ago entitled “How to Destroy America,” which provided an account of a Washington, D.C., “immigration-overpopulation conference filled to capacity by many of America’s finest minds and leaders.” According to the article, Richard D. Lamm, former governor of Colorado, made the startling claim at the conference that “the way to destroy America is to turn America into a bilingual or multi-lingual and bicultural country. History shows that no nation can survive the tension, conflict, and antagonism of two or more competing languages and cultures. It is a blessing for an individual to be bilingual; however, it is a curse for a society to be bilingual.” Unfortunately, the good ex-governor apparently failed to explain how his amazing thesis can be ...

The Practicality of Libertarianism

People sometimes accuse libertarians of being impractical. That befuddles me because libertarianism is the only practical philosophy there is. Why is that? Because libertarianism works. The only philosophies don’t. Consider immigration. People say: “You libertarians are so impractical with your call for open borders.” Yet, what could be more practical than a policy that brings about peace, prosperity, and harmony? Look at ...

Tucker Carlson and Fox Are Wrong, on Both Immigration and Free Speech

Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson got himself into some hot water with Fox News advertisers last month after he made a derogatory comment about immigrants on his show. According to Hollywood Reporter, at least 24 advertisers decided to boycott Carlson’s show in response to his comment, including Toyota, Lexus, Farmers Insurance,, IHOP, Pacific Life Insurance, Bowflex, ...