Search Query: open borders

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You searched for "open borders" and here's what we found ...

Immigration: Global Warming on the Right

Honest debate on issues such as national health care, free trade, energy policy, and environmental controls is nearly impossible today. Something wicked this way comes, claims the Left, and it trumps any quaint old arguments about freedom and individual initiative. You see, man-made global warming is wreaking havoc on our delicate planet. Doomsday is near. Unless. Unless we stop all this talk about freedom, individual rights, and the dangers of big government. There simply isn’t enough time to have these discussions. We have to do something. Of course, the rub is in the doing of that something. Precisely those issues we most need to debate — the importance of private choice over government planning — become nonissues in the shadow of looming death and destruction. That’s the great coup of global warming’s disciples: we can’t ...

Imagining Freedom for the 21st Century: A Presidential Candidate’s Press Conference, Part 5

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 Insight Magazine: During the last eight years, the American people have witnessed some of the worst political scandals and episodes of presidential misconduct and immorality in our nation’s history. What will be the moral character and tone of your administration, if you are elected president of the United States? The Candidate: The source of practically all of the political scandals, in both the present administration and those in past presidencies, has been the degree to which the federal government regulates and intervenes in the economy and redistributes wealth through the welfare state. When privileges and favors are obtainable by some at the expense of others in society through the political process, it is inevitable that those who desire the favors and privileges will lobby and bribe those from whom they can be acquired. For as long as government has the power to influence relative ...

Imagining Freedom for the 21st Century: A Presidential Candidate’s Press Conference, Part 5

Insight Magazine: During the last eight years, the American people have witnessed some of the worst political scandals and episodes of presidential misconduct and immorality in our nation’s history. What will be the moral character and tone of your administration, if you are elected president of the United States? The Candidate: The source of practically all of the political scandals, in both the present administration and those in past presidencies, has been the degree to which the federal government regulates and intervenes in the economy and redistributes wealth through the welfare state. When privileges and favors are obtainable by some at the expense of others in society through the political process, it is inevitable that those who desire the favors and privileges will lobby and bribe those from whom they can be acquired. For as long ...