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They Are All Socialists Now

The Great Immigration Debate between Peter Brimelow and me that was held at the Heartland Institute’s recent anniversary dinner has now been posted on Heartland’s website. It is here. The theme of the debate was: “Immigration Policy for a Free Society: Open Borders vs. Controlled Borders.” The video contains the entire evening’s activities, and the debate starts about 30 minutes into the program. I’d recommend viewing the entire video though, including libertarian comedian Tim Slagel’s hilarious routine, especially his explanation as to how Halloween can be used to teach children about taxation. The primary argument I made in the debate was that the immigration crisis is actually nothing more than the failure of socialist central planning and interventionism. I presented this argument in my article “Borders, Socialism, and the Free Market” in the July 2008 issue of Freedom Daily. Long ago, U.S. politicians and bureaucrats ...

They Are All Socialists Now

The Great Immigration Debate between Peter Brimelow and me that was held at the Heartland Institute’s recent anniversary dinner has now been posted on Heartland’s website. It is here. The theme of the debate was: “Immigration Policy for a Free Society: Open Borders vs. Controlled Borders.” The video contains the entire evening’s activities, and the debate starts about 30 minutes into the program. I’d recommend viewing the entire video though, including libertarian comedian Tim Slagel’s hilarious routine, especially his explanation as to how Halloween can be used to teach children about taxation. The primary argument I made in the debate was that the immigration crisis is actually nothing more than the failure of socialist central planning and interventionism. I presented this argument in my article “Borders, Socialism, and the Free Market” in the July 2008 issue of Freedom Daily. Long ago, ...

Liberal-Conservative Hypocrisy on Immigration

There is no area that is more rife with hypocrisy among both liberals and conservatives than immigration. When it comes to immigration, it seems that liberals and conservatives are competing against other for title of “Most Hypocritical.” For months, liberals have been condemning Donald Trump for his plan to build a gigantic wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. They say it shows how cruel, heartless, and inhumane he is. Really? Take a look at this page on the Internet. It displays various images of the fence that both liberals and conservatives constructed years ago along the U.S.-Mexico border: Remember when they were constructing that fence? They said that it would finally, once and for all, bring an end to America’s forever illegal immigration crisis. They were celebrating the fact that Congress had finally authorized it. And they’ve been glorifying it ever since. So, pray tell: How is Trump’s wall any different in principle from that fence along the U.S-Mexico border? After all, the ...