Search Query: open borders

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You searched for "open borders" and here's what we found ...

Free Enterprise versus Immigration Socialism

Well, the GOP candidates had all the correct libertarian, free-market mantras out last night: pro-free enterprise, pro-capitalism, pro-free market, pro-private property, pro-fundamental rights, pro-Constitution, anti-socialism, and anti-regulation. And then came immigration, and all those mantras went out the window. It was actually amusing, not only because the candidates didn’t seem aware of the contradiction, but also because neither did the mainstream commentators. It’s just one of those fascinating disconnects that people just treat as normal and rational. It’s as if the candidates were saying, “We firmly believe in free enterprise but we don’t believe in enterprise that is free from government control.” Under the freedom mantras that the candidates were espousing, my money belongs to me, not to society and not to the government. I have the fundamental, God-given right to do whatever I want with my money. If I choose to use my money to open a business, that’s my right, just as it’s everyone else’s right to avoid buying things at my ...

Immigration Hypocrisy, Left and Right

One of the best examples of the deep hypocrisy that pervades the liberal and conservative movements is immigration. It is here that one finds liberal-conservative hypocrisy in its purest form. Consider liberals, who are currently crying crocodile tears over the deportation of immigrants who have been here illegally for many years. Liberals exclaim, “It’s just not fair. It’s so draconian. Trump should let those poor people stay here.” Yet, when we ask those crocodile-tear-shedding liberals whether they are now prepared to join up with us libertarians and call for open immigration, whereby it would no longer be illegal for foreigners to enter the United States without official permission, they respond, “Oh, no! That’s too radical.” Then what are you crying about? By deporting immigrants who are here illegally, the government is simply enforcing the law that you support. “But some of them have been here for more than 10 years. Oh, it’s all so cruel and unfair.” Okay, would you at least like to ...