Search Query: open borders

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You searched for "open borders" and here's what we found ...

Border-Control Fallacies

A writer at Substack named David Ferguson writes: Robert Frost once wrote “good fences make good neighbors.” Very true. Isn’t there any private property on the U.S. side of the border? Doesn’t a property owner have the right to defend his justly obtained property? How about hiring private police to keep intruders from trespassing on your property? The so-called “border crisis” is a massive failure because it does not allow property owners to defend their property.” Alas, Ferguson has it wrong. Private property owners on the U.S. side of the border have the right, both legally and morally, to defend their property from trespassers.  I know this from personal experience. I grew up on a farm outside Laredo, Texas, a city on the U.S. Mexico border. Our farm was adjacent to the Rio Grande. Under the law, we had the right to keep trespassers, whether American or Mexican, from entering onto our property without our permission … ...

America’s Immigration Death Machine

A Texas judge recently denied bond to 28-year-old Christian Martinez, one of the two men who have been indicted for the roles they allegedly played in the deaths of 53 migrants in the back of a tractor-trailer in San Antonio. Everyone was shocked over the deaths.  Yesterday immigration officials discovered the bodies of nine migrants who drowned while crossing the Rio Grande in an attempt to enter the United States. Last month, the Guardian published an article entitled, “The Other Death Valley: Hundreds of Migrants Are Dying in Remote Texas Deserts.” None of this new. It’s been going on since I was a kid growing up in Laredo, Texas, a border town — more than 50 years ago. Oh sure, people are shocked every time it happens. But there really isn’t any reason to be shocked because it has been happening for so long. It’s like deja vu, over and over again. Deaths, followed by shock, followed ...

Ron DeSantis and “Waste, Fraud, and Abuse”

Republicans and conservatives are still celebrating Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’s immigration antic with respect to his shipping and dumping immigrants in Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts. They are convinced that what DeSantis did was a brilliant political move because it supposedly exposed the hypocrisy of rich, elite progressives/liberals/Democrats who say they favor immigrants but then won’t take them into their homes to live. There is no doubt that when it comes to immigration, progressives/liberals/Democrats are every bit as hypocritical as Republicans and conservatives, but not for the reason that DeSantis claims. But before focusing on the immigration hypocrisy of those on the left, let’s first focus on the immigration hypocrisy of those on the right, including those who are celebrating DeSantis’s act of clownish thuggery. One of the most popular mantras of the conservative movement and the Republican Party is “We need to remove waste, fraud, and abuse from government programs.” ...