Search Query: open borders

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You searched for "open borders" and here's what we found ...

Repatriation: The Ugly Side of Immigration Laws

Recently, off the shores of Miami, Florida, the American people were exposed to the ugly side of immigration laws-the forcible repatriation of illegal immigrants to their country of origin. Television viewers watched in horror as U.S. Coast Guard officials, using water cannons and pepper spray, attacked Cuban refugees in rafts who had fled their homeland and who were attempting to emigrate to the United States. The Coast Guard's objective was to capture the refugees and forcibly return them to Cuba before they could set foot on American shores. Outrage immediately broke out among the Cuban-American community in Miami over our government's mistreatment of the refugees. What many people fail to recognize, however, is that our government's attempt to capture and repatriate the Cuban refugees is the nasty, ugly, necessary, integral part of immigration laws themselves.

Northwoods University Freedom Week

FFF president Jacob G. Hornberger will be giving a talk via Skype for the Northweeods University Freedom Week on October 27, 2014 from 6-8 p.m. eastern. Jacob's talk will be on open borders. Open borders would encompass both unilateral free trade and open immigration. People would be free to peacefully enter into mutually beneficial exchanges with each other regardless of citizenship, creating harmonious and peaceful relations between people across borders which produces economic prosperity. Location Northwood University, Michigan Campus, Griswold Lecture Hall, 4000 Whiting Drive, Midland, MI 48640 Event Contact Dr. Alex Tokarev, Phone: 989-486-3567 Email:

Freedom Is Dangerous

In the ideal world of those Americans who oppose the libertarian concept of open borders, there would be a 50-foot wall all around America, manned and patrolled by an enormous army of well-armed military troops prepared to do whatever is necessary to prevent any foreigner from getting through. Additionally, in their minds they envision a federal planning agency that finally, after decades of planned chaos in the area of immigration, consists of bureaucrats who have the knowledge and expertise to come up with a perfect immigration central plan in which no one crosses the border and enters the United States without governmental permission. The deep fear of such people is that under a libertarian system of open borders, billions of foreign citizens would suddenly flood into the United States, go on welfare, become American citizens, destroy American culture, steal jobs, rape Americans, take over the the federal government, and appoint federal judges who would enforce Sharia law rather than the ...

A Heroic Lawsuit Against the Border Patrol in My Hometown

A controversy near my hometown of Laredo, Texas, provides a real-life example of the violations of liberty and privacy that come with immigration controls. The issue is especially relevant to the libertarian movement given that some conservative-oriented libertarians continue trying to persuade libertarians to abandon their position in favor of open borders and instead join up with conservatives and ...