Search Query: open borders

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You searched for "open borders" and here's what we found ...

The Idea of Open Borders Goes Mainstream

Newsweek is about as mainstream as one can get, right? Now, consider the fact that yesterday Newsweek published an article by libertarian Jeff Tucker entitled “To Become Even More Prosperous We Should Open Our Borders,” which is a full-throated call for open immigration and free trade. The article was originally published on the website of The Foundation for Economic Education, where I worked as program director from 1987-1989. Like FFF, FEE is a libertarian educational foundation that has long called for open borders. In fact, when I first discovered libertarianism in the late 1970s, one of the FEE essays that had an impact on my libertarian intellectual development was one published in 1951 entitled, “The Freedom to Move (pdf)” by Oscar W. Cooley and Paul Lewis Poirot. Amidst a decades-long immigration uproar that revolves almost entirely around the hope that immigration controls can finally be made to work, I consider it astonishing that a mainstream publication like Newsweek suddenly decides ...

The Meaning of Open Borders

Guests on conservative Fox News are going nuts over what they are calling President Biden’s “open borders” policy. One recent example was Stephen Miller, a former Trump advisor, who appeared on Tucker Carlson’s show, where he lamented Biden’s supposed “open-border policies.” Another was Louisiana Senator John Kennedy, who appeared on Fox and Friends, where he complained that Biden is an advocate of “open borders.”  Needless to say, the hosts of these Fox shows displayed no pushback on these remarkable claims. In fact, quite the opposite. As conservatives, they sympathized with the views of their guests. One of the commentators on Fox and Friends even lamented that Biden isn’t continuing the construction of the Trump Wall along the border. Meanwhile, Noora Barakat, who works at the Vera Institute of Justice, writes, “This week, the Biden administration will officially launch accelerated deportation proceedings for asylum-seeking families in 11 cities across the country.” Hmm. Accelerated ...

Open Borders Are Compatible With a Welfare State

For some time now, there has been a conservative faction within the libertarian movement that has advocated that libertarians abandon their position in favor of open borders and instead join up with conservatives and progressives in support of government-controlled borders. In doing so, these conservative-oriented libertarians always fail to address one of the principal costs of abandoning libertarian principle on this particular issue — an immigration police state, one consisting of highway checkpoints for travelers who have never left the United States, roving Border Patrol checkpoints, warrantless searches of farms and ranches within 100 miles of the border, body-cavity searches of Americans returning from overseas vacation, warrantless searches of cell phones and mandatory disclosure of passwords, violent raids on private businesses, forcible separation of children from parents, squalid conditions in immigrant concentration camps, and boarding of private buses to examine people’s papers. One of the principal arguments that such libertarians cite is that open borders are not compatible with a welfare ...

Blaming “Open Borders” for Immigration-Control Failure

NOTICE: Mark your calendar! Thursday, October 5, at 7 p.m. Eastern. Benjamin Power is our first presenter in our upcoming online Austrian conference: "How Austrian Economics Impacted My Life." Register here to receive your Zoom link. ***** During my entire life I have watched immigration-control advocates try valiantly to make their immigration-control system work. I’ve always been ...