Search Query: open borders

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You searched for "open borders" and here's what we found ...

There Is No Anarchy on the U.S.-Mexico Border

Yesterday, the Wall Street Journal published an editorial about Republican Congressman Kevin McCarthy’s so-far failed bid to become Speaker of the House,  which stated the following: "Voters elected a Republican House to … investigate the anarchy at the southern border." Anarchy? I thought “anarchy” meant the absence of government. Are the members of the Journal’s editorial board really claiming that there is no government along the U.S.-Mexico border? If so, then they need to pay a visit to the borderlands. They will discover that not only is there no anarchy, the entire borderlands have long been an immigration police state, which is about as far from anarchy as one can get. According to Wikipedia, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, which is charged with enforcing the federal government’s system of immigration controls, is the largest federal law enforcement agency of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. It has a workforce of over 58,000 employees. If the Journal’s editorial ...

Immigration Inanity

Immigration ranks among the top three domestic issues in the U.S. presidential race. Republicans accuse Democrat presidential candidate Angela Harris of having failed to "secure" the border in her supposed role as Border Czar. Democrats respond by saying that Harris was never appointed Border Czar and that she and her Democrat cohorts are as determined to "secure" the border as Trump and his Republican cohorts. Of course, all of this is nothing more than pure deadly and destructive political inanity — the same inanity we have heard in presidential campaigns for our entire lives. And as long as America remains committed to its socialist system of immigration controls, we will continue to hear this deadly and destructive political nonsense in every presidential campaign for the rest of our lives. For 34 years here at The Future of Freedom Foundation, I have been emphasizing a critically important point, one that Republicans, Democrats, and even rightwing libertarians simply do not ...

Thirty years ago, Democrats and Republicans sent 60,000 men from my generation to their deaths in an undeclared war in Southeast Asia. The rationale? To save people from the horrors of communism. Apparently communism is not so horrible anymore. Today, if Cuban citizens flee communist tyranny, the biggest danger they face is the United States government's forcible repatriation of Cuban refugees into communist tyranny. Of course, this is only one of the many ways that Democrats and Republicans abuse and mistreat Hispanics. For decades, they have jailed illegal immigrants for committing the heinous crime of crossing the border in search of work. They also arrest and prosecute American citizens for giving work to illegal immigrants. INS deportation raids on both homes and businesses leave nothing but tears and anguish in their wake.