Search Query: open borders

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You searched for "open borders" and here's what we found ...

Planned Chaos in Immigration

REMINDER: Our zoom conference "The National Security State and the JFK Assassination" continues this Wednesday at 7 pm Eastern. To attend the conference, just register at our conference page. A zoom link will be sent to you. We are now moving into the medical-evidence portion of the conference. Our first presenter will be Douglas Horne, who served on the staff of the Assassination Records Review Board and who is the author of the watershed 5-volume book Inside the Assassination Records Review Board. Doug has pre-recorded his talk. It is 2 hours and 45 minutes long. We have posted Doug's speech online. Please watch it before Wednesday. That is your homework! But I promise: No pop quizzes! If you watch it beforehand, you will get much more out of the session, which will be devoted to Q&A. And you will get much more out of the next three presentations, all of which focus on matters relating to the fraudulent ...

The Progressives’ Achilles’ Heel

Progressives (i.e., liberals in the corrupted meaning of the term) love to portray themselves as lovers of the poor. That’s what they use to justify their never-ending, ever-growing welfare-state and regulatory programs. But as we libertarians have repeatedly shown, the welfare state and the regulated economy actually constitute an enormous attack on the freedom and well-being of the poor. Minimum-wage laws, which progressives are now planning to make the centerpiece of their upcoming political campaigns, are directly responsible for a chronic 40 percent unemployment rate among impoverished black teenagers. Expensive regulations prevent the poor from starting businesses. Occupational licensure laws prevent the poor from entering many occupations and professions. Income taxes prevent the poor from accumulating the capital nest egg to compete against the big, well-established firms. Public housing punishes the poor by throwing them out of their home if they earn too much money. Welfare makes poor people hopelessly dependent on the government. And after some 60 years of the welfare-state, regulated-economy way of life, all ...

Closed-Border Libertarians: It’s Time to End the War on Immigration

Warrantless searches and seizures on a massive scale, bureaucratic logjams, arbitrary edicts that squelch freedom of association, unchecked waste and corruption — it is difficult to reconcile any of these symptoms of big government with liberty. And yet, many who strongly value freedom still support all of them in the name of border control. For these “closed-border libertarians”, the argument against open borders usually rests on the popular claim that more immigrants (read: Hispanics) will come to the United States seeking its rich welfare benefits and using public property the taxpayer has financed. Hence, according to the closed-border advocate, we need to further militarize the border, build a massive 2,000 mile wall, or even forcefully expel millions of people from America. Despite the evidence disputing the real-world validity of that claim, it deserves underscoring that even if it were unequivocally proven that the majority of immigrants were coming to the United States solely to leech from the productive (and, again, it ...

Open Immigration with a Welfare State

Although free-market economist Milton Friedman defended the principle of open immigration, he had a caveat: “It's just obvious you can't have free immigration and a welfare state.” Conservatives and even some libertarians have long used Friedman’s statement to justify their support of government-controlled immigration. But Friedman was wrong. Of course you can have both open immigration and a welfare state. ...