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Conservative Reform versus Libertarian Freedom

One of the fundamental differences between conservatives and libertarians is with respect to reforming the welfare-warfare state way of life versus striving for a genuinely free society. Conservatives aim for reform. Libertarians strive for freedom. The way that one can usually tell whether a particular book, article, or speech is conservative or libertarian is by examining its conclusion. If the conclusion says something like, “The system needs reform” or if it calls for a specific reform of the government program it’s complaining about, it is a virtual certainty that the author or speaker is a conservative. If instead the conclusion calls for a repeal, dismantling, or abolition of the program, there is a high likelihood that the author or speaker is a libertarian. The difference between reform and abolition is night and day. By advocating reform, conservatives have made peace with the welfare-warfare state way of life. They have given up any hope ...

Hornberger’s Blog, January 2008

Thursday, January 31, 2008 An All-Abiding Faith in the Welfare-Warfare State by Jacob G. Hornberger Among the more amusing political mantras in the presidential race is that of Mitt Romney. "Washington is broken," he declares, inevitably bringing cheers from Republican audiences. It's as amusing as the popular mantra employed by the Democrats: "Change!" They still just don't get it. It's not "Washington" that is broken. It's the welfare-warfare state that Americans have lived under all their lives that is bankrupt in every sense of the term—morally, financially, and economically. People still just don't want to face that harsh reality. For them, the welfare-warfare state is everything. That's why many of them think it's just a matter of changing the identity of people who are running the system. Consider the welfare state. What part of it isn't an absolute mess? Social Security? Medicare? Medicaid? The dollar? Education? Home mortgages? Foreign aid? Every one of them is in crisis. Yet, people continue to pray for a political ...

Hornberger’s Blog, January 2008

Thursday, January 31, 2008 An All-Abiding Faith in the Welfare-Warfare State by Jacob G. Hornberger Among the more amusing political mantras in the presidential race is that of Mitt Romney. "Washington is broken," he declares, inevitably bringing cheers from Republican audiences. It's as amusing as the popular mantra employed by the Democrats: "Change!" They still just don't get it. It's not "Washington" that is broken. It's the welfare-warfare state that Americans have lived under all their lives that is bankrupt in every sense of the term—morally, financially, and economically. People still just don't want to face that harsh reality. For them, the welfare-warfare state is everything. That's why many of them think it's just a matter of changing the identity of people who are running the system. Consider the welfare state. What part of it isn't an absolute mess? Social Security? Medicare? Medicaid? The dollar? Education? Home mortgages? Foreign aid? Every one of them is in crisis. Yet, people continue to pray for a political ...

Hornberger’s Blog, January 2008

Thursday, January 31, 2008 An All-Abiding Faith in the Welfare-Warfare State by Jacob G. Hornberger Among the more amusing political mantras in the presidential race is that of Mitt Romney. "Washington is broken," he declares, inevitably bringing cheers from Republican audiences. It's as amusing as the popular mantra employed by the Democrats: "Change!" They still just don't get it. It's not "Washington" that ...

Hornberger’s Blog, January 2008

Thursday, January 31, 2008 An All-Abiding Faith in the Welfare-Warfare State by Jacob G. Hornberger Among the more amusing political mantras in the presidential race is that of Mitt Romney. "Washington is broken," he declares, inevitably bringing cheers from Republican audiences. It's as amusing as the popular mantra employed by the Democrats: "Change!" They still just don't get it. It's not "Washington" that ...

Hornberger’s Blog, January 2008

Thursday, January 31, 2008 An All-Abiding Faith in the Welfare-Warfare State by Jacob G. Hornberger Among the more amusing political mantras in the presidential race is that of Mitt Romney. "Washington is broken," he declares, inevitably bringing cheers from Republican audiences. It's as amusing as the popular mantra employed by the Democrats: "Change!" They still just don't get it. It's not "Washington" that ...

Nativism, the Citizenship Union, and Barriers to Movement

The day is rapidly approaching when the epithet “nativist” will carry as much power as “racist.” Not only is nativism — the practice of favoring the established inhabitants of a country over recent immigrants — hateful and based on a fallacy; its destructive consequences are becoming more apparent by the day. Nativism, and its manifestation in debates over American citizenship, ...