Search Query: open borders

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You searched for "open borders" and here's what we found ...

Border Tyranny

Libertarian advocates of immigration controls always focus solely on the issue of immigration controls and never on the police state that comes with them. That’s because the police-state aspects of an immigration-control system make them extremely uncomfortable given the fact that a police state is the opposite of a libertarian society. I believe that it’s important to constantly remind people that one of the prices that we pay for the abandonment of the libertarian principle of open borders is a police state — that is, a society in which the government wields and exercises immigration powers that destroy the principles of a libertarian society. Before we examine the specific aspects of America’s immigration police state, however, it’s worth noting that a police state is an inevitable part of America’s immigration-control system. That’s because migrants, in an attempt to save or improve their lives by fleeing to a society that offers hope and opportunity, will inevitably circumvent the controls that have been ...

Let’s Stick with Traditional American Values!

Upon reading Hans-Herman Hoppe’s article “On Free Immigration and Forced Integration,” I couldn’t help but wonder whether he first reached the conclusion that he wanted to reach and then constructed a set of arguments to support that conclusion. Hoppe begins his article by correctly pointing out that from a theoretical standpoint, open immigration does, in fact, increase people’s standard of living. He also correctly observes that those who use the welfare state as an excuse for controlling immigration (as his associate Llewellyn Rockwell does) are “wrongheaded.” Nevertheless, Hoppe ends up concluding that open borders for the United States should be rejected in favor of a government-controlled and government-regulated immigration policy. Let’s examine the chain of reasoning that leads Hoppe to this conclusion. Hoppe first suggests that simply because a government is instituted, especially a ...

Let’s Stick with Traditional American Values!

Upon reading Hans-Herman Hoppe’s article “On Free Immigration and Forced Integration,” I couldn’t help but wonder whether he first reached the conclusion that he wanted to reach and then constructed a set of arguments to support that conclusion. Hoppe begins his article by correctly pointing out that from a theoretical standpoint, open immigration does, in fact, increase people’s standard of living. He also correctly observes that those who use the welfare state as an excuse for controlling immigration (as his associate Llewellyn Rockwell does) are “wrongheaded.” Nevertheless, Hoppe ends up concluding that open borders for the United States should be rejected in favor of a government-controlled and government-regulated immigration policy. Let’s examine the chain of reasoning that leads Hoppe to this conclusion. Hoppe first suggests ...