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Libertarianism Has Only One Position on Immigration

REMINDER: The final session of our online Zoom conference "The National Security State and the Kennedy Assassination" is this evening at 7 pm Eastern time. It will consist of a Q&A session on the following topic: the political context of the assassination. Panelists will be conference presenters Jim DiEugenio, Mike Swanson, Jeff Morley, John Newman, Doug Horne, and me. The videos of their talks are in the multimedia section of FFF's website. If you haven't registered for the conference and would like to attend, just register at our conference website and you'll receive an email with a Zoom link. If you have previously registered, you'll receive a link to tonight's session. I hope to see you there for what promises to be a very interesting and enlightening session. *********** It is sometimes claimed that libertarianism encompasses two different positions on immigration. One position is the controlled-borders position, and the other is the open-borders position.  That claim, ...

Freedom Fun at FreedomFest This Week

If you’re going to be at FreedomFest in Memphis this week, I would like to invite you to the two programs I’ll be doing. If you’re still not registered but able to make it as this last minute, you can receive a $50 discount by using the code FUTURE50. My first program: Friday, July 14, at 5:30 pm on the Main Stage in East Hall Open Borders Mock Trial This is certain to be one heckuva hoot. It’s going to be a criminal trial in which the advocates of open borders are being criminally prosecuted. That means me! And also Bryan Caplan, another open-borders advocate. And weirdly, also our criminal-defense attorney, Catherine Bernard!  I’ve known Bryan for years and he is a super great guy and also a super-smart guy. He is an economics professor at George Mason University, whose economics department is the premier free-market/Austrian economics departments in ...

Jury Nullification in Memphis!

As I indicated in my blog post last week, “Freedom Fun at FreedomFest,” I was headed down to Memphis this past week for Mark Skousen’s annual FreedomFest, where I would be criminally prosecuted for the offense of supporting open borders.  I had two co-defendants, Bryan Caplan, one of the most brilliant economics professors in the country and the author of the great graphics novel Open Borders: The Science and Ethics of Immigration (which I highly recommend buying and reading) and — get this — also our criminal-defense lawyer, Catherine Bernard, who is head of a major law firm in Atlanta named Bernard and Johnson. Yes, you read that right — our criminal-defense lawyer was also in the dock with Bryan and me as a criminal defendant — and representing herself as well as Bryan and me. It was a fascinating trial.  The ...

Libertarianism and Immigration Enforcement

For the past several years, there has been a running debate within the libertarian movement between libertarians who favor government immigration controls and those who favor open borders. As an advocate of open borders, I have never been able to figure out how those libertarians who favor government-controlled borders are able to reconcile their position with the libertarian non-aggression principle, ...

Conservatives and Liberals: Immigration Socialists

Republicans love to accuse Democrats of favoring open borders. That’s partly because Democrats favor granting “amnesty” to immigrants who have been here illegally for a long period of time.  Legalizing illegal immigrants, however, is a far cry from open borders. Open borders entails a complete dismantling of American’s immigration-control system, including an abolition of the Border Patrol. ...

Pope Francis and the U.S. Welfare-Warfare State

Maybe — just maybe — Pope Francis’s visit to the United States will cause American Catholics and, for that matter, American Protestants (and maybe also Americans Jews, Muslims, and atheists) to reexamine some of their long-held views — views that are contrary to principles enunciated by Jesus Christ. No, I’m not referring to abortion, homosexuality, same-sex marriage, or celibacy for ...