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Why Not Open the Borders?

Thirty years ago, Democrats and Republicans sent 60,000 men from my generation to their deaths in an undeclared war in Southeast Asia. The rationale? To save people from the horrors of communism. Apparently communism is not so horrible anymore. Today, if Cuban citizens flee communist tyranny, the biggest danger they face is the United States government's forcible repatriation of Cuban refugees into communist tyranny. Of course, this is only one of the many ways that Democrats and Republicans abuse and mistreat Hispanics. For decades, they have jailed illegal immigrants for committing the heinous crime of crossing the border in search of work. They also arrest and prosecute American citizens for giving work to illegal immigrants. INS deportation raids on both homes and businesses leave nothing but tears and anguish in their wake.

Hornbergers Blog, May 2010

Friday, May 28, 2010 Libertarians, Open Borders, and the Welfare State by Jacob G. Hornberger Nobel Prize winning libertarian economist Milton Friedman once suggested that libertarians could rightfully oppose the concept of open borders as long as the United States had a welfare state. Friedmans point was that with open borders and a welfare state, the United States would attract foreign citizens who would come here in order to get on welfare. The result would be an increase in taxes that Americans would have to pay to fund the increased number of dole recipients. The prospect of higher taxes, Friedman implied, justified libertarians opposing open borders as long as America maintained a welfare state. Friedman was wrong. As a libertarian, Friedman would surely have acknowledged that freedom to move, freedom to travel, freedom of contract, freedom of association, and freedom to labor are fundamental, inherent, natural, God-given rights, ones with which no government can legitimately interfere. Such rights dont turn on the nationality or ...

Hornbergers Blog, May 2010

Friday, May 28, 2010 Libertarians, Open Borders, and the Welfare State by Jacob G. Hornberger Nobel Prize winning libertarian economist Milton Friedman once suggested that libertarians could rightfully oppose the concept of open borders as long as the United States had a welfare state. Friedmans point was that with open borders and a welfare state, the United States would attract foreign citizens who would come here in order to get on welfare. The result would be an increase in taxes that Americans would have to pay to fund the increased number of dole recipients. The prospect of higher taxes, Friedman implied, justified libertarians opposing open borders as long as America maintained a welfare state. Friedman was wrong. As a libertarian, Friedman would surely have acknowledged that freedom to move, freedom to travel, freedom of contract, freedom of association, and freedom to labor are fundamental, inherent, natural, God-given rights, ones with which ...