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Daily Articles

Separating Charity and Health Care from the State

One of the most remarkable achievements of our American ancestors was enshrined in the First Amendment — the separation of church and state. Reflecting the notion that religious liberty was one of the natural, God-given rights to which Thomas Jefferson had referred in the Declaration of Independence, the First Amendment expressly prohibited Congress (and implicitly the entire federal government) ...

The Problem with Harris County’s Relaxing of Its Marijuana Laws

Although marijuana is still illegal on the federal level, twenty-eight states and the District of Columbia have legalized marijuana for medical use and eight states have legalized marijuana for recreational use. Other states have decriminalized certain marijuana-possession offenses. There are numerous restrictions, of course. But some freedom is better than no freedom. Texas is not one of these states. Partial ...

Campus Collectivism and the Counter-Revolution Against Liberty

Much has been rightly said about recent attacks on conservative, libertarian, and other non-leftist speakers on college and university campuses around the country. The elements of intellectual intolerance, the willingness to shout down any ideological critic or opponent, and the resort to incidents of on-campus violence to prevent invited speakers from addressing students have been pointed out to represent ...